Transporting materials, local sourcing and lifespans

Manufacturing and transportation of building materials consumes 10% of the UK’s total energy consumption. Contractors that buy locally produced building materials are benefitting the sustainability in construction; it also enhances social and economic sustainability. Finding locally manufactured materials reduces these costs and impact on environment. For example, local hardwoods are more preferable to tropical woods.

Using materials that meets a wide range of sustainability criteria that is transported from the other side of the world may be worse than choosing a non-renewable alternative with higher environmental impact that is sourced locally.

Soooo how does it all work then?

There are essentially three main stages to the transportation, manufacturing and exportation of materials. These are...
This is where the extraction of raw materials happens such as Gravel, Crushed rock, Sand, Limestone and Clay.
This is where the raw materials are manufactured into something that can be sold onto customers. This is the time when things like cement are made and materials are cut, washed and formed into different products. This is essentially the production stage.

Simply the time when materials are distributed and sold to customers!

Traditionally buildings would have been completed with local materials from no more than a few miles away. Now however it is much more common to build with materials from all over the world. For more information on different materials follow the links below!